GTI Broker Group acquires Hope Grant Insurance | Henry White Insurance Limited - Bathurst, NB | Assurance | Maison - Auto - Vie - Entreprise |

GTI Broker Group acquires Hope Grant Insurance

GTI Broker Group acquires Hope Grant Insurance

Recognized as one of the leading agencies in Saint John and the surrounding area, this is a great fit for the GTI Broker Group and Synex. In the release Macgregor Grant, President of Hope Grant said “This is an exciting time in JM & CW Hope Grant’s evolution. The acquisition of Hope Grant by the GTI Broker Group will ensure more markets and increased support to our dedicated and conscientious staff to better serve our clients.  We look forward to continuing the long tradition of serving our many clients in Southern New Brunswick”

About Hope Grant
J.M.& C.W. Hope Grant Ltd was founded by Major James Macgregor Grant in 1870. He was joined thereafter by his son Charles William Hope Grant. This is how the firm got its name. In 1923 his son James Macgregor Hope Grant joined the firm and in 1950 his son James Macgregor (Rory) Grant and in 1980 his son James Richard Macgregor Grant joined the firm. Macgregor’s daughter Rachael Laura Grant is the future and 6th generation of Hope Grant working as a Commercial Account Manager. Hope Grant serves several thousand clients in the southern half of New Brunswick. They specialize in providing personal and commercial lines of property and casualty insurance. By providing outstanding service and assistance to our customers, they have established a base of customer referrals as a major source of business. Their insurance companies also recognize that they perform for them beyond just selling insurance. This reputation has distinguished the agency as a top performer with their clients and companies.

About GTI
The acquisition of Hope Grant Insurance is part of GTI Brokers Groups Inc’s performance's growth in Atlantic Canada and Synex Business Performance Group diversification plan across Canada. Synex's goal is to become an independent leader in property and casualty insurance, group insurance and financial services in Canada through organic growth and acquisitions. As such, the group is always looking for new business opportunities to fuel its growth.


Info :
Keith Vokey, COO, GTI Broker Group Inc.

Jeff Legrow, Chairman of The Board, GTI Broker Group Inc.

Yan Charbonneau, President of GTI Broker Group Inc
President of Synex Performance d’affaires

Macgregor Grant, President, Hope Grant Insurance


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